Recuitig contact

Thank you for visiting the UACJ Foil Corporation website.
We appreciate your interest in our adoption.
Inquiries can be made using the form below. Please fill out all sections marked ‘*required.’ When filling out the form, please do not use any machine-specific characters (such as Japanese half-byte kana characters).


Click here for entry


Name (*required)
Age (*required)
Address (*required)
Email address (*required)

(single-byte alphanumeric characters)

(Confirmation) Re-enter email address

Main languages
Openings (*required)

Qualifications for the jobs:
For comprehensive jobs (both engineering & technical and sales): a bachelor's degree or higher, up to age 35 (age restriction for future promotion)
For comprehensive engineering and technical job, only graduates from faculties and departments of Machinery Electric can apply.
For skilled jobs: graduation of high school or higher education, up to age 35 (age restriction for future promotion)

Location of workplace you wish for
(applicable to skilled jobs only)

* Employees of comprehensives jobs will be assigned to any location in Japan.

Terminal Education Record (*required)
Application The first step is a document screening. Please upload the photos (including PDF files) of your resume and your career record in the file attachment field below and transmit them. Or alternatively please send them to us via the postal service.
Free input {free}

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