
Picture of President Akito Imaizumi
Akito Imaizumi

We are aiming for the further evolution of the integration of the foil business

We, who shoulder the foil business of the UACJ Group, were born from the merging of the Furukawa Sky Group's Nippon Foil Mfg. Co., Ltd. and the Sumitomo Light Metal Group's Sumikei Aluminum Foil Co., Ltd.

From the onset of this merger, our basic management policy has been to "become a comprehensive foil manufacturer that has an irrefutable value to society in the global market." Continuing with this policy, we move forward constantly and proactively responding to the rapidly changing global business environment.

At the core of this basic policy is the synergy of the two merged companies whose cultivated technical development capability, manufacturing technological capability, workplace capability, sales capability, and quality and delivery capability we have further refined. Using these capabilities, we will work to maximize customer satisfaction by providing products and services that gain their trust. Furthermore, we will ensure that compliance and safety are at the core of every action we take and devote ourselves to operating a robust and reliable business.

Each employee is committed to making far-reaching contributions to society and will continue working tirelessly working as one in the pursuit of the possibilities of aluminum and other foils. Thank you and we appreciate your continued support.